Quiz NightMonday Evenings :

Start: 7.30pm

Entry: £2.50 per person

Half time bacon/chip butty: £5.00
Half time chips/fries: £4.00

Cash Prize

Funds raised in July 2024 will be donated to the Andrew Kemp Memorial Community Defibrillator Fund.

Call 0113 512 6000 to book

Tables available on the night.

Our Chosen Charity July 2024The Andrew Kemp Memorial Community Defibrillator Fund :

The Andrew Kemp Memorial Community Defibrillator Fund was founded by Debbie Kemp following the sad passing of her husband in October 2020. Andrew Kemp was just 60 years old when he collapsed of cardiac arrest in Leeds city centre; when Debbie called 999 the operator was unable to locate a nearby defibrillator.

In honour of Andrew’s memory, Debbie now raises funds to install defibrillators across West Yorkshire to increase the lifesaving access to them within our communities. Defibrillation is often an important step in CPR and is used to restore the heart’s normal rhythm and in cases such as Andrew’s, it gives the person a 70% better chance of surviving a cardiac event.

While in Cook House, you may have already noticed some of the gift items for sale in aid of The Andrew Kemp Memorial Community Defibrillator Fund and we are pleased to extend our support to Debbie’s work over the course of July 2024 by donating the proceeds from our Quiz Nights.

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